Where is the key card Chapter 5 the evil within?

Where is the key card Chapter 5 the evil within?

Going deeper inside the hospital we come across another door with a lamp above them. This is the entrance to the staff room. Inside it, on the ground, next to a dead body, you can find the Hospital Keycard. Get back and open the closed door.

How do you beat the boss in Chapter 5 of the evil within 2?

The enemy can only use melee attacks – this means that you must be constantly on a move (use sprint). After a few seconds the foe stops for a moment. You can now attack him and deal some damage. You can also use Shock Bolts to stun the enemy – the boss receives damage and is paralyzed for a few seconds.

How do you defeat Laura?

The Shotgun, Magnum and especially the Rocket Launcher are recommended if the player definitely wants to fight Laura, as the first two deal heavy damage to her while causing her to stagger, while the last can kill her very quickly provided that she is stunned so that the rockets can all score direct hits.

Who is the spider lady in the evil within?

aka Laura
The Evil Within It’s the return of The Spider Lady aka Laura in Chapter 10, The Craftsman’s Tools. You can escape or kill her! There is a key you can only collect by killing her. Make sure to use all valves to burn her and lit bodies on fire with her very close to set her on fire!

How do you free Kidman in the evil within?

You’ll have to fight through several enemies, but it’s really nothing that your Handgun or Shotgun can’t take care of. Just keep knocking them down until you reach the Control Panel, setting to 22 and 5 in order to set Kidman free.

How do you fight Obscura?

Fire a shot into the camera lens to start the timer again, or if you’re not too accurate with the gun, a few body shots will stun her and un-pause the timer as well. Whenever the timer starts counting down, just continue to avoid the Obscura and save your bullets. Only shoot at her when she freezes the clock.

How do you beat Obscura?

You can beat Obscura by exploiting its weak spot, the camera head. The Obscura boss will attack you during Evil Within 2, Chapter 5. It’ll happen once you locate and activate the Stable Field Emitter on the second floor of City Hall. When you activate the Emitter, a 90-second countdown timer will start.


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