Which is better Spitfire or Me 109?

Which is better Spitfire or Me 109?

The Bf 109 was arguably the best fighter in the world in 1940. It was faster than the Spitfire at high altitude, could dive more rapidly and carried a more effective armament of two cannon and two machine guns. The Luftwaffe started the Battle with about 1,100 Bf 109s and 906 pilots available.

What was the best version of the BF 109?

So it would be safe to say the the Bf-109G was better at dogfighting thanks to its superior manouevrability while the Bf-109K was a better bomber killer due to its faster rate of climb and more powerful armament.

How good is Me 109?

The climbing performance of the Messerschmitt Bf 109 K-4 was phenomenal and noticeably superior to any of the enemy aircraft. Above 6,000 metres, the German plane was so clearly superior to the Soviet aircraft that the Soviet pilots strictly avoided any aerial combat at this altitude.

What engine did the Messerschmitt BF 109?

Developed from the DB-600 engine first produced in November 1937, the DB-600 series was used primarily in Messerschmitt Bf 109 and Bf 110 fighters. In 1939, a Messerschmitt 209V1, using a DB-605ARJ engine, set a world’s record of 755 km/hr (469.22 mph) which was not broken by a propeller driven aircraft until 1969.

What is the BF 109 good for?

This became the standard version in use by the Luftwaffe and so the most common Bf109. It was a well-armed plane that could be used as an interceptor, ground-attack plane, or fighter-bomber.

What is the difference between the Bf 109 E-1B and E-2?

The Bf 109E-1 production model was given 2 x 7.92mm machine guns in the engine cowling with 2 x 7.92mm machine guns in the wings. The E-1B introduced a fighter-bomber capability to the family line. The E-2 was a limited-run mark bringing with it 1 x cannon in the nose as well as 2 x cannons at the wings and 2 x machine guns in the engine cowling.

What engine did the Bf 109E-7 have?

The Bf 109E-7 was powered by a Daimler-Benz DB 601N liquid-cooled inverted-V 12-cylinder inline piston engine of 1,200 horsepower and armed with 1 x 20mm cannon in the propeller hub, 2 x 7.92mm machine guns in the engine cowling and 2 x 7.9mm machine guns in the wing leading edges.

Why is the Messerschmitt 109 called Bf 109?

After the incorporation of Messerschmitt AG, all aircraft designed by the firm carried the prefix “Me”, indicating the Messerschmitt factory (e.g. Me 210, Me 323, Me 262, etc). So, the 109 would therefore only be called a “Bf 109”, right?

Why was the Bf 109 V8 machine gun so unreliable?

Several aircraft were produced with an engine-mounted machine gun but it was very unreliable, most likely because of engine vibrations and overheating. Thus the Bf 109 V8 was constructed to test the fitting of two more machine guns in the wings; however, results showed that the wing needed strengthening.


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