Who is George Graham?

Who is George Graham?

George Graham (7 July 1673 – 20 November 1751) was an English clockmaker, inventor, and geophysicist, and a Fellow of the Royal Society . He was born in Kirklinton, Cumberland. A Friend (Quaker) like his mentor Thomas Tompion, Graham left Cumberland in 1688 for London to work with Tompion. He later married Tompion’s niece, Elizabeth Tompion.

What did Sir Thomas Graham invent?

Graham was partner to the influential English clockmaker Thomas Tompion during the last few years of Tompion’s life. Graham is credited with inventing several design improvements to the pendulum clock, inventing the mercury pendulum and also the orrery. He was made Master of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers in 1722.

Where is Honest George Graham buried?

George was commonly known in the trade as ‘Honest George Graham’. He died at his home in Fleet Street, London and was buried in the same tomb as his friend and mentor Thomas Tompion in Westminster Abbey. Actor Peter Vaughan was cast as George Graham in the TV series, Longitude in 2000.

Who invented the pendulum clock?

Graham is credited with inventing several design improvements to the pendulum clock, inventing the mercury pendulum and also the orrery. He was made Master of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers in 1722.


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