Who is the real winner in Mahabharata?

Who is the real winner in Mahabharata?

Pandavas won the battle. The eldest of Pandavas, Yudhishthira was made a king of Hastinapur.

How did Sarvaga died?

At a later stage, Bhima also married princess Valandhara, the daughter of the king of Kasi, and had a son named Savarga. Among Bhima’s three sons, Sarvaga (who later ascended to the throne of Kashi) did not participate in the Kurukshetra war, Sutasoma was killed by Ashwatthama and Ghatotkacha was killed by Karna.

Who killed Bhima in Mahabharata?

On the 17th day of the war, bhima was defeated by karna and made unconscious. Dhritarashtra and Gandhari’s children were killed by Bhima.

Was shakuni married?

Yes, Shakuni gets married. His wife name was Arshi. He had two sons named uluka and Vrikaasur. Shakuni returned to Gandhar at the end of the Battle Mahabharata.

Who killed Son of Pandavas?

He assumed that the Pandavas were sleeping in a tent. But the five who were asleep in the tent were in fact the sons of Draupadi. Aswattama killed the sleeping sons of Draupadi. When Draupadi discovered that her sons had been slaughtered in their sleep, she was inconsolable.

Is the Indonesian version of Mahabharata older than the Indian version?

Naturally, some of the Mahabharata narratives in Indonesia may be older than the Indian Mahabharata in its present corpus, which was still evolving as late as 4th Century A.D. There is thus, no way turning away from the Indonesian version, some parts of which may even be closer to Vyasa’s ‘ original ‘.

Did the Mahabharata use nuclear weapons?

Serious evidences suggested that the former gods mastered nuclear fission. They had nuclear weapon and they used it. If the Bible hardly evoke it with caution, the Mahabharata is much more explicit. The Bible mentions the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha, destroyed by a divine punishment.

Are tektites lurking in the Dead Sea?

“It is on the shores of the Dead Sea that were found tektites, harboring radioactive isotopes of aluminum and beryllium. These mysterious tektites could have formed only under conditions of extremely high temperature and nuclear radiation no less powerful.

Was Vyasa a legitimate child of Mahabharata?

Here Satyabati is a member of the royal palace, whereas in the Indian version she is brought up by a fisherman. The Indian Jain version of the Mahabharata also supports that Vyasa is a legitimate child. Durgandana or King Matswapati accepts his brother-in-law Palasara as his Guru.



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