Why is Suburban Propane so expensive?

Why is Suburban Propane so expensive?

The more demand there is for propane, the more the Suburban Propane prices rise. This is why Suburban Propane prices tend to be higher in winter (when people need propane for heating) than in summer.

Can I buy my Suburban Propane Tank?

Suburban Propane provides everything you need to spec underground storage tanks, from sales and leasing to installation.

What determines propane prices?

Even though propane is a commodity, the factors that influence its price are different even than other energy sources. The main factors affecting wholesale propane price are crude oil and natural gas prices, proximity of supply, production, volumes being exported, weather, and cyclical demand periods.

What is a good price for propane?

Average Propane Tank Prices

National Average Cost $800
Minimum Cost $30
Maximum Cost $3,500
Average Range $800 to $1,000

Can I paint my Suburban Propane Tank?

The short answer is YES, you can paint your propane tank. It’s important to remember, however, that you can’t paint it just any color, nor can you use just any paint.

How long do inground propane tanks last?

20 to 30 years
Propane tanks installed underground have an average life expectancy of 20 to 30 years, depending on the soil type and whether or not the tank was installed properly.

What is the current market price of propane?

The $2.337 per gallon propane price today only indicates an average propane price so it is possible that you will pay more or less for propane depending on usage and location. It is a good benchmark for today’s propane price per gallon, however.

Do gas prices Affect propane prices?

The bottom line is propane prices do not fluctuate with gas prices at the pump. Because propane can be stored, the pricing changes based on supply/demand but also based on national inventory levels. So long story short, there is not one single petroleum product that is a good benchmark for propane prices.

How much is propane per gallon in Tennessee?

However, people in Tennessee (TN) spend slightly more ($2.13 on average in 2009) on propane per gallon than people in the US as a whole ($2.09 per gallon over the same period)….Propane usage in Tennessee (TN) is similar to national averages.

Tennessee US
Average propane price (2012-2013 winter season) N/A $2.436

How do you hide a 500 gallon propane tank?

One of the easiest ways to conceal an above-ground propane tank is by planting dense shrubs and bushes, like juniper and photinia bushes; these will typically grow to at least six feet and thus can effectively conceal your tank.

What color should a propane tank be?

The safest colors for your propane tank are silver (the most popular color), light gray and white.


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