What is VLSM in CIDR?

What is VLSM in CIDR? The Variable Length Subnet Mask (VLSM) is a mechanisms that works closely with CIDR. VLSM allows to “steal” bits from the host part of an IP address so to create a new field called Subnet. At the same time, VLSM enables the creation of the Subnet field located between the […]

Does Google blacklist IP address?

Does Google blacklist IP address? Why Google Can Block You As a result, Gmail may block your server’s IP address. The most common reasons are: Large volumes of emails sent from a new IP address. Spam reports from Gmail users. How do you check IP address is blocked? If your IP address has been blacklisted […]

How do you beat Wild West Day 26?

How do you beat Wild West Day 26? Use Magnifying Grasses and Primal Potato Mines to kill the Buckethead Zombies. Magnifying Grasses should be planted on minecarts. Before first flag, plant Spikeweeds on the second column, and shrink the Gargantuar with Shrinking Violet. Use a Primal Potato Mine to kill him. Is PvZ3 dead? The […]

Is a neutral density filter worth it?

Is a neutral density filter worth it? ND filters are absolutely worth it for capturing more creative in-camera effects, especially for landscape photographers. What does a graduated neutral density filter do? Like ND Filter, the GND filter( Graduated Neutral Density)can allow less light to enter the camera. As a graduated ND filter with half part […]

How Does Inside-Outside Circle work?

How Does Inside-Outside Circle work? Inside-outside circle is a cooperative learning strategy. Students form two concentric circles and take turns on rotation to face new partners to answer or discuss the teacher’s questions. This method can be used to gather variety of information, generate new ideas and solve problems. How do you play outside of […]

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