How many C-sections is safe?

How many C-sections is safe? “So, every patient is different and every case is unique. However, from the current medical evidence, most medical authorities do state that if multiple C-sections are planned, the expert recommendation is to adhere to the maximum number of three.” How many caesareans can a woman have? There’s usually no limit […]

What is the average cost for ThermiVa?

What is the average cost for ThermiVa? How much does a ThermiVa® treatment cost? For about 3 treatments, which is the average number of sessions most patients require, the accumulated cost can range anywhere between $2,500 to $3,500 based on the practice your approach. How long does ThermiVa last? How long do the results last? […]

What are the 5 basic lab safety rules?

What are the 5 basic lab safety rules? General Laboratory Safety Rules Know locations of laboratory safety showers, eyewashstations, and fire extinguishers. Know emergency exit routes. Avoid skin and eye contact with all chemicals. Minimize all chemical exposures. No horseplay will be tolerated. Assume that all chemicals of unknown toxicity are highly toxic. What are […]

Did any kamikaze pilots survive?

Did any kamikaze pilots survive? Unlikely as it may seem, a number of Japanese kamikaze pilots did survive the war. But the fact that he did survive meant that he was able to correct the central myth of the kamikaze—that these young pilots all went to their deaths willingly, enthused by the Samurai spirit. What […]

Is BMW 318d a good car?

Is BMW 318d a good car? The 320d M Sport is, for now at least, the dominant car in the range, and there’s a very good reason for that. It’s really very, very good – this new addition might be cheaper, but there’s a reason for that….First Drive: BMW 318d. Efficiency: 53.3 mpg On sale: […]

What are Fairy types resistant to?

What are Fairy types resistant to? Alongside being immune to dragon attacks, fairy Pokemon are resistant to fighting, bug, and dark moves. What is best against Fairy type Pokemon? Gengar is hands-down the best Poison-type counter to use against a Fairy-type in Pokemon GO. The dual Ghost/Poison Pocket Monster will take out Fairies quickly if […]

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