What is an example of rifting?

What is an example of rifting? The most extensive of the continental rift valleys are those of the East African Rift System, which extend northward to the Red Sea and eastward into the Indian Ocean. Other notable examples include the Baikal Rift Valley (Russia) and the Rhine Rift Valley (Germany). What is an active continental […]

How much does diesel cost in Italy?

How much does diesel cost in Italy? For comparison, the average price of diesel in the world for this period is 1.34 Euro….Italy Diesel prices, 22-Nov-2021. Italy Diesel prices Litre Gallon USD 1.808 6.844 How much is diesel in Austria? For comparison, the average price of diesel in the world for this period is 1.36 […]

Why does HCV cause cryoglobulinemia?

Why does HCV cause cryoglobulinemia? HCV cryoglobulins contain RF, polyclonal IgG, and HCV RNA that precipitate and deposit on vascular endothelium, causing an end organ vasculitis. Patients often have striking clonal expansions of RF-bearing IgM+κ+CD21low memory B cells with restricted usage of RF-encoding Ig gene segments. Can HCV cause vasculitis? Vasculitis is a remarkable extrahepatic […]

What happens if tenant files bankruptcy?

What happens if tenant files bankruptcy? Essentially, once a tenant files for bankruptcy, a landlord may take no further action to collect past-due rent, continue with an eviction, or even offset a security deposit. Landlords who violate the automatic stay may suffer serious repercussions. There are exceptions to this general rule. Can bankruptcy Stop rent? […]

How do I check php-fpm memory usage?

How do I check php-fpm memory usage? total=0; for i in `ps -C php-fpm -o rss=`; do total=$(($total+$i)); done; echo “Memory usage: $total kb”; Memory usage: 0 kb ps -ef | grep php root 9435 1 0 11:42? 00:00:00 php-fpm: master process (/etc/php/7.0/fpm/php-fpm. Does php-fpm use more memory? PHP-FPM has as a default configuration that […]

Do squats improve power?

Do squats improve power? The Squat is very effective at improving power output. The Squat alone can improve your vertical jump height. When done at 80 percent or more of your 1RM, the Squat is most effective at improving power output when paired with polymeric training—e.g., Vertical Jumps, Broad Jumps, Sprints, etc. What is the […]

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