What is a bivariate copula?

What is a bivariate copula? The output of a bivariate Copula in ModelRisk is an array function of two spreadsheet cells. These cells will contain correlated Uniform(0,1) random variables, with a pattern of correlation defined by the copula. Next, these correlated Uniform(0,1) variables are used as the U-parameter in the two desired distributions. Is Gaussian […]

What are the guns in Blade Runner?

What are the guns in Blade Runner? The actual ‘Blade Runner’ blaster prop was an ingenious disguise for a modern firearm; the relatively mundane ‘Bulldog’ . 44 Special revolver from US company Charter Arms. This gave the blaster its chunky, slightly retro lines and enabled it to fire blanks similar to weapons used in ‘Star […]

What were the three levels of Chinese society?

What were the three levels of Chinese society? Chinese society had three main social classes Landowning, Aristocrats, Farmers and Merchants three Chinese Philosophies, Confucianism Daoism and legalism grew out of a need for order in ancient chinese society. What type of society did medieval China use? Introduction. Ancient China’s society was, like all societies at […]

What does moat stand for?

What does moat stand for? MOAT Acronym Definition MOAT Measurement and Operations Analysis Team MOAT Metropolitan Oval Aquatic Trench (Phineas and Ferb television cartoon) MOAT Molothrus Ater (bird species) MOAT Missile on Aircraft Test What is a moat mote? A moat is a broad, deep ditch that is dug around a castle or other fortress […]

What is needle break?

What is needle break? When a threading error has occurred it can easily lead to a sewing machine needle breaking. The extra resistance can pull the needle out of position which usually leads to the needle hitting the throat plate, hook, or bobbin case. Why do I keep breaking sewing needles? There could be several […]

Which raids have mounts wow?

Which raids have mounts wow? Wrath of the Lich King: Mount name: Boss: Location: Reins of the Twilight Drake Sartharion The Obsidian Sanctum Reins of the Onyxian Drake Onyxia Onyxia’s Lair Mimiron’s Head Yogg-Saron (HC) Ulduar Invincible’s Reins The Lich King (HC) Icecrown Citadel How many mounts does cataclysm have? This brings the number down […]

Cual es el origen del San Juanito?

¿Cuál es el origen del San Juanito? El San Juanito tiene origen pre-hispánico en la provincia de Imbabura, ciertos auntores mantienen la idea de que el San Juanito surgió en lo que hoy es; San Juan de Iluman perteneciente al Cantón Otavalo. ¿Cuáles son los vestuarios de Sanjuanito? El Sanjuanito se danza con vestuarios propios […]

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